In preparation for 2019, I'm starting this blog over. It will still be about my needlework and crafting, but I haven't been posting because quite frankly, I don't want to admin my blog, I just want to write. (For that matter, the way my seizure and migraine triggers work, admining is a bad idea.) So, I'm switching over to Blogger (which I use for other blogs) and starting over. If you want to see my old posts, they are available on the Wayback Machine here. And, yes, I know that I could export and import my old blog, I just didn't want to! If I think something is relevant, then I'll update it.
Some of the things I want to work on here are actually getting the Sons of Norway cultural skills awards for Weaving (I've turned in level 1, I'm 98% done with level 2), Knitting (I have done the knitting, just need to do the writing parts) and Hardanger (I have the skills, but haven't done any of it.) I also want to work on the Genealogy program and I'll probably put my stuff from that here as well. I actually originally joined Sons of Norway because I had learned about the cultural skills program from some of the people I met doing Hardanger embroidery, but I haven't actually done the work.